Spain faces a critical challenge in its energy economy, with a 74% dependency on energy imports and continuously rising gas and electricity prices. In this context, wind energy emerges as a promising solution and an opportunity for energy autonomy and environmental sustainability.

The Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) highlights wind power as the dominant technology in electricity generation, expecting its presence to be further consolidated in the coming years. However, even though recent years have been crucial for the growth of clean technologies, funding to empower them remains significantly lower than in other countries.

Spain currently boasts 1,298 wind parks in more than 850 municipalities. Notably, the Piedrahita and El Castillo wind parks, in Teruel and Zaragoza respectively, are examples of how complex orography and logistics are overcome to install significant wind energy capacities.

By 2030, the European Union aims for 30% of renewable energy to come from wind sources, including 7% from offshore wind, requiring innovation, support, and financing to achieve these goals. Despite installing 842.61 MW of wind capacity in 2021, this still falls short of the 2.2 GW per year needed to meet the 2030 objectives of the National Integrated Plan for Energy and Climate.

Spain has the potential to advance towards a sustainable energy model, promoting wind technology as a pillar for the country’s energy autonomy and environmental sustainability.