The wind energy sector in Spain is booming, with over 40,000 jobs and a projection to double this figure by 2030. This annual increase of 15% is due to the growing demand for renewable energy.

The Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) and the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) organize #WindTalent, a key event to connect students and young professionals with companies in the sector.

#WindTalent brings together several companies seeking new talents in engineering and other technical disciplines. The event highlights the need for specialized training to meet the demand for qualified professionals, especially with the deployment of floating offshore wind power in 2024.

Collaboration between companies and educational institutions is essential to train future professionals in the wind energy sector. According to EurObserv’ER, Spain is a leader in renewable employability, with a forecast of 5,000 new green jobs annually. Innovation and technology in the Spanish wind energy sector are pillars for creating specialized and well-paid jobs.

At Total HSE, we support these initiatives and promote training and professional development in renewable energies. For more information about our opportunities, visit our resources page.