Have you ever considered a career in the wind industry? Now more than ever, the world needs renewable and sustainable energy. The wind industry is key to meeting this growing demand, and with its constant development, there is a need for skilled technicians in the work of wind turbines. Among all the available training, the most essential is the Basic Safety Training (BST) Standard from GWO.

What is GWO and why is it important?

The Global Wind Organisation (GWO) is a non-profit entity founded by leading companies in the wind sector. This organization develops training standards, which have been joined by nearly 100,000 technicians in more than 125 countries. Most wind companies require their workers to have these training certifications. GWO ensures the quality and relevance of all its guides through constant reviews and updates.

What is the BST standard and what is its relevance in the wind industry?

The Basic Safety Training (BST) is the first standard published by GWO in 2012. This set of guidelines seeks to regulate the training of workers in safety and occupational health in the wind industry, ensuring safe and efficient job performance. The BST standard consists of five modules, each focused on a specific type of risk in wind turbine work.

What are the five BST modules and how do they impact occupational safety?

The BST standard includes the following modules:

  • First Aid: Trains technicians in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques, use of automated external defibrillators, and other first aid procedures.
  • Manual Handling: Teaches how to plan and execute safe and ergonomic manual handling, preventing risks to workers’ health.
  • Fire Awareness: Exposes the causes and consequences of fire risks in wind turbines, and how to extinguish small fires or evacuate installations when necessary.
  • Working at Heights: Provides knowledge about the necessary protection to avoid falls or minimize risks when working at heights.
  • Sea Survival: Specific to offshore wind farms, it teaches how to face risks and participate in rescue and survival situations at sea.

These modules offer comprehensive theoretical and practical training, allowing technicians to take preventive measures and act in case of an accident.

Benefits of obtaining a GWO BST accreditation in the wind industry

The main reasons to obtain a BST accreditation include:

  • Growing demand for trained technicians: The wind industry continues to expand, which implies an increasing demand for specialized workers in the sector.
  • Improved occupational safety: BST training provides skills and knowledge to minimize risks and ensure a safe working environment.
  • Increased job opportunities: Most wind companies require their workers to have GWO certifications, giving you access to more opportunities in the sector globally.
  • Professional development: BST accreditation is the first step to boost your career in the wind industry and improve your skills and knowledge.

Where to find more information about GWO’s BST standard?

You can find more information about each module of the BST standard on the official GWO website.

In conclusion, obtaining a GWO BST accreditation is essential to boost your career in the wind industry and ensure safe and efficient job performance. With the growing demand for renewable energy, the wind sector offers numerous opportunities for trained and specialized technicians. Don’t miss the opportunity to train and improve your skills in this constantly growing field.

Are you interested in the GWO Basic Safety Training standard? At Total HSE, we offer the best training to work in the wind sector safely and with quality. Don’t hesitate and request information about our GWO courses through our web form or by calling +34 615 55 38 88. We are waiting for you.