Exciting news from GWO!

This year, GWO is focusing on its releases on May 2nd and throughout the third quarter of 2023. The Basic Technical Training Standard V8 will be launched, along with the new Bolt Tightening Module (BTTB) to enhance safety in the wind industry. Additionally, three safety lessons will be reintroduced in the BTT standard. There will also be new versions of the Working at Heights standards and aligned modules, along with updated requirements for training and certification.

These releases will have a refreshed appearance, addressing user requests for greater clarity and improved navigation. GWO has reviewed shared elements to ensure greater coherence. Furthermore, GWO will launch the Crane and Hoist standard on July 1st, targeting basic crane users in the wind industry.

In the autumn/winter of 2023, the GWO Instructor Qualification Training (IQT) framework will be launched, aiming to increase the number of qualified wind technician instructors. This pilot project is being conducted across four continents to address the shortage of industry-ready instructors. The clear objective of IQT is to complement existing qualification processes.

Stay tuned for the exciting updates from GWO and visit our website for more information!