The Xunta de Galicia has given the green light to the construction of the Carboeiro Wind Farm, which will be located in the municipalities of Arteixo, Culleredo, and A Laracha. This project, promoted by Green Capital Development, will feature five state-of-the-art wind turbines with hub heights ranging from 120 to 164 meters and rotor diameters of 155 meters. With a total installed capacity of 29.5 MW, the wind farm is expected to produce approximately 87,397 MWh per year.

The project, which has undergone a rigorous environmental and urban compatibility assessment, also includes the construction of five transformer stations, a 132/30 kV substation, and a meteorological tower. This development will not only contribute to the production of clean energy in Galicia but will also drive decarbonization and the fight against climate change.

Additionally, as part of the established conditions, the developer must submit an environmental monitoring and follow-up plan to ensure minimal impact on the natural environment and to guarantee compliance with current environmental regulations.

The Carboeiro Wind Farm project, detailed in the Diario Oficial de Galicia (DOG), will have a significant positive impact on the local economy and the environment. It will contribute to job creation and sustainable development in the region, promoting clean energy and decarbonization.