Since 2005, Spain has achieved a remarkable 62% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation, a key advance in the fight against climate change. This is one of the main findings of the report “Evolution of greenhouse gas emissions in Spain 2005-2022.

While at the European level emissions began to decline from 1990, Spain reached its peak later, in 2005. However, by 2022, Spanish emissions returned to levels similar to those of 1990, despite having a much larger economy.

The energy sector is responsible for approximately 76% of total emissions in Spain. Within this sector, electricity generation, which represents 25% of these emissions, has been the area with the greatest reduction in CO2 levels. In contrast, the transport sector, particularly road transport, has seen a 63% increase in emissions since 1990, with a single decrease in 2020 due to the pandemic.

The significant reduction in emissions in the electricity sector, largely driven by the push for renewable energy and Spain’s energy transition, represents a crucial step towards the climate goals of the European Green Deal.