Photovoltaic solar energy has reached a significant milestone in Spain, becoming the second technology with the most installed megawatts. In May 2024, it led power generation for the first time, representing 23.8% of the total.

Since the installation of the first photovoltaic plant in 1984 in San Agustín de Guadalix, the installed capacity has grown exponentially, especially since 2020. Currently, Spain has 26,543 MW of photovoltaic solar energy, which equals 21.1% of the total installed capacity in the country, only surpassed by wind energy.

In May, solar energy production reached a historic record of 5,098 GWh, with a daily maximum of 199 GWh on May 24, representing 29% of daily production. This advance has contributed to 81.4% of the electricity generated in Spain in May being free of CO2 emissions.

The National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) foresees that photovoltaic capacity will increase to 76 GW by 2030, further consolidating its role in the country’s energy transition.

Despite these advances, self-consumption still faces barriers, with only 5% of Spanish households using solar panels. The main difficulties include living in apartment buildings and the high initial investment. However, 17% of homeowners are seriously considering the installation of solar systems, which could further boost the sector’s growth.