Basic Technical Training

Do you want to work in the wind energy industry? Then you need the GWO BTT – Basic Technical Training course.

The GWO’s official training course for technical work in wind turbines (BTT) is designed for people without previous experience in hydraulic, mechanical or electrical systems. However, people with experience in these fields can update and expand their knowledge in these areas, especially as applicable to wind turbines.

The BTT – Basic Technical Training course consists of five different modules dedicated to each of the technical systems used in wind turbines.

  • Mechanics Module.
  • Electricity Module.
  • Hydraulics Module.
  • Installation Module.
  • Bolt Tightening Module.

The validity of the BTT certificates is permanent. Upon completion of the course, participants will be familiar with the hydraulic, mechanical, and electrical systems of wind turbines and will be able to work in the wind industry both onshore and offshore.

To take the course, you must:

  • be at least 18 years old
  • be in good physical and mental condition

The course lasts 54 hours (seven and a half days) and is conducted at GWO-accredited training centers.

Upon completing the course, you will receive a certificate that is valid indefinitely and allows you to work at any wind installation that follows the GWO standard.

Basic Technical Training – Mechanics

BTT Mechanics


The BTT Mechanical course is part of the BTT – Basic Technical Training and provides you with the knowledge and skills to perform basic mechanical tasks, supervised by an experienced technician, using safe work procedures and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

The course lasts 9 hours (one and a half day) and grants you an official certification with permanent validity.

The BTT Mechanical module prepares you to:

  • Explain the main components, mechanical systems, and basic operation of wind turbines.
  • Explain the risks and hazards associated with mechanics.
  • Understand the principles of bolted and welded connections and their inspection.
  • Demonstrate practical skills for using manual tightening and measuring tools.
  • Demonstrate the correct use of hydraulic torque and tensioning tools.
  • Explain the principles of a gearbox.
  • Explain the function of brake systems and demonstrate how to inspect them.
  • Explain the function of the yaw system and explain how to inspect it.
  • Explain the function of the cooling system and demonstrate how to inspect it.
  • Explain the function of the lubrication system and demonstrate how to inspect it.
Basic Technical Training – Electricity

BTT Electricity


The BTT Electrical module is part of BTT – Basic Technical Training and provides you with the knowledge and skills to carry out basic electrical tasks around wind turbines, supervised by an experienced technician, using safe work procedures and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

The course lasts for 10 hours (one and a half day) and provides you with an official certification that is permanently valid.

The BTT Electricity module prepares you to:

  • Explain the basic concepts of electricity.
  • Explain the risks and hazards associated with electrical work.
  • Explain the function and symbol of electrical components.
  • Explain the function of different types of sensors.
  • Explain and interpret a simple electrical diagram and demonstrate how to assemble it in a circuit.
  • Demonstrate how to make accurate and safe measurements.
Basic Technical Training – Hydraulics

BTT Hydraulics


The BTT Hydraulics course is part of BTT – Basic Technical Training and provides you with the knowledge and skills to carry out basic hydraulic tasks supervised by an experienced technician, using safe working procedures and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

The course lasts for 9 hours (one and a half day) and awards you an official certification with permanent validity.

The BTT Hydraulics module prepares you to:

  • Explain the basic concepts of hydraulics.
  • Explain the risks and dangers associated with hydraulic work.
  • Explain the function of different types of pumps and demonstrate how to check the start/stop pressure of a pump.
  • Explain the function of different types of actuators.
  • Explain the function of different types of valves.
  • Explain the function of accumulators and demonstrate how to check and preload them.
  • Explain the function of different types of sensors.
  • Identify the components that transfer oil.
  • Describe the handling of oil procedures.
  • Identify and locate different components on a hydraulic diagram.
  • Demonstrate how to accurately measure hydraulic pressure.
Basic Technical Training – Installation

BTT Installation


The BTT Installation course is part of BTT – Basic Technical Training and provides the knowledge and skills to carry out basic tasks in wind turbine installation, supervised by an experienced technician, and using safe working procedures and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

The course lasts 18 hours (two and a half days) and grants you an official certification with permanent validity.

The BTT Installation module prepares you to:

  • Identify the main installation activities and explain the general risks and hazards associated with the installation environment.
  • Explain the checklist system throughout the entire installation process.
  • Explain the characteristics of the installation environment.
  • Explain the principles and standards for handling and storing goods and components on-site or within a storage area before and after installation.
  • Explain the basic principles of lifting equipment.
  • Explain the basic preparation of major components before installation.
  • Explain basic mechanical termination.
  • Demonstrate how to perform basic electrical termination, including principles and standards for handling and installing cables.
  • Explain basic hydraulic termination.
  • Explain the operating principles of external generators during installation.
  • Explain the basis of how to transfer to commissioning.
Basic Technical Training – Bolt Tightening

BTT Bolt Tightening



The BTT Bolt Tightening course is part of BTT – Basic Technical Training and provides the knowledge and skills to plan, carry out, and complete generic bolt torquing and tensioning tasks to specification using energy-powered equipment safely.

The course has a duration of 8 hours (one day) and grants you an official certification with permanent validity.

The BTT Bolt Tightening module prepares you to:

  • Plan and prepare to safely and correctly complete bolt torquing tasks to specification.
  • Safely and correctly carry out bolt torquing tasks to specification using electric and hydraulic torquing equipment.
  • Safely and correctly carry out bolt torquing tasks to specification using a combination of electric and hydraulic torquing equipment.
  • Safely and correctly carry out 2-stage bolt tensioning tasks to specification using hydraulic tensioning equipment.
  • Safely and correctly carry out bolt tensioning tasks to specification using a combination of electric and hydraulic torquing equipment.

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    Where we are

    Polígono Industrial Matallón Parcela 12 Calle B, 9B, 31579 Cárcar, Navarra

    Where we are

    Polígono Industrial Matallón Parcela 12 Calle B, 9B, 31579 Cárcar, Navarra

    Where we are

    Polígono Industrial Matallón Parcela 12 Calle B, 9B, 31579 Cárcar, Navarra